Schedule for Forum 10:9:30 Workshop Registration
10:00 ~ 12:30 Workshops*
Skill building 1:
Environmental Education - Ecological footprinting in your class
Faciltator: Trevor Ballance, Educator and Activist
Skill building 2:
Motivating & retaining volunteersFaciltator: Sarajean Rossitto, Nonprofit NGO consultant
* Please register early to get into the workshop of your choice.
2:00 Panel Registration
2:30 ~ 4:30 Panel Discussion: Disaster prevention & relief
Nonprofit NGO staff introduce the issues their work, their projects & how you can get involved.
Organization and Speakers introductions
now on line!
4:45 ~ 5:45 Take Action!Talk directly with panelists. Find out what you can do to make a difference.
* The forum will be in English.
Access information: 4th Floor meeting rooms, Jingumae Kumin Kaikan/Community Center (神宮前区民会館) is 5-8 minutes from Harajuku (JR) and Meiji Jingumae (Chiyoda Subway) Stations. You can find directions and a map at can also access the map from mobile phones by sending a blank email to
Materials Fee: 3000yen (whole day) and 500yen (panel only)
Registration by Sept 27 requested but not mandatory.
To register, send the info below to
skillsbuild at .
What you will attend:
Skills Build Workshop (which one?)
Panel Discussion
Take Action session