Sunday, June 25, 2006

Forum 6 photos

Morning Panel Discussion:

Making the world a healthier place.

From left: Prune Helfter (Medecins du Monde), Makiko Hara (Run for the Cure), Damion Mannings, PEPY Ride

Pictured below:
Nobuhiro Kadoi, JOICFP, Japanese Organization for International Cooperation in Family Planning

Workshop A
Introduction to Advocacy: developing issues and strategies
Sarajean Rossitto, Convener, PSC

Devising a plans on energy reduction, sexual health and girl education.

Groups developing their issues and goals.

Workshop participants developing advocacy plans.

Sharing plans and discussing possible tactics.

Workshop B
Presentation skill development for NGO and Nonprofit outreach
Dawn Tattersall, PSC

Miyuki giving her presentation.

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